AHSSC Advisories: Note to our Beloved Caregivers
Hi Beloved AHSSC Caregivers!
This is Marvie from At Home Support Senior Care. Our agency stays mindful of the latest information and guidelines from federal, state, county, and city officials regarding the spread of COVID-19.
We would like to support the effort of everyone to contain the rise of COVID-19 and it has come to this point that we need to reassure our clients that our caregivers who go to work for them are not sick.
We encourage you to help us reassure our clients and help the community contain the spread by taking your temperature at home before you leave to go to your shift or assignment effective March 14, Saturday and please take a screenshot and send it to us. Kindly do this every time you go to your shift until further notice.
Thank you for working with us on this effort combat COVID-19.
Dated: MARCH 11, 2020