“We Bring Comfort to Your Home,” Our Motto/AHSSC`s Tagline
Easing the pain, that is . . .
help reposition in bed; prop up pillows, massage the leg or back, provide the healing touch . . .
Refreshing the body, that is . . .
assist with bathing, showering, or sponge bath; soothe with lotion; shampoo the hair . . .
Nourishing the body, that is . . .
prepare the food, cook a special or favorite meal, feed the client with a gentle hand . . .
Maintaining the dignity, that is . . .
help with toileting with no fuss; change the undergarments with tender touch . . .
Lifting the spirit/uplifting the soul, that is . . .
reassure, encourage and laugh with the client; affirm the goodness of the client`s heart . . .